Collection: Manuella Andrada Hollo


Manuella Hollo came to live in Deià in 2014. Feeling the urge to become part of an artists’ community, she found one that was particularly welcoming in the village.

Born in Hungary, Manuella began painting at around three years old. By the time she was in primary school, she was winning prizes for her art. 

Manuella went to a high school that specialised in visual art and studied graphic design as well as other techniques. She went on to the university in Pecs, Hungary and spent time at the University of Hertfordshire. Not long after she graduated in 2010, she moved to Mallorca and has lived here ever since.

Her wildly colourful work, which echoes the post-impressionists but is now also becoming more abstract, is inspired by her surroundings, including the gardens she paints on commission. She prefers to work outside in nature because she likes to feel the sun, the wind, and the movement of the leaves and to become one with nature through her painting.

Describing herself as ‘high energy’ painter, Manuella’s work is often done when she’s in a state of flow after practicing yoga and other techniques. On average, each painting takes between five and ten hours.

Deià is particularly inspiring for Manuella. ‘I’m very happy to be part of this community where we can have deep conversations and create together,’ she says. ‘I think Deià is a very healthy environment. I feel energised here and this is reflected in my work.’


web page:

Instagram: hollomanuella